Learn in these Courses:

  • Assistance in understanding the 365 lessons of "A Course in Miracles".

  • The Metaphysics of "A Course in Miracles" Prisaples.

  • Understanding to find Peace and Happiness anywhere in life.

Welcome to the 

A Course in Miracles Experience

This is the First (1st) part of twelve (12). 

Lessons 1-30

        Thousands of new students have enrolled in my  "A Course In Miracles, intensive" which is not intended for beginners. I woke inspired this morning to begin the lessons in a much more brief and to the point way just for them. As it has been a few years since the development of the "Intensive" course, I hope to make my assistance far less intimidating while still touching some very deep concepts and necessary steps in the awakening endeavor.  This Course is for all students, beginners, or the well-versed of "A Course in Miracles"

Introduction to "A Course in Miracles" 

“This is a course in miracles. It is a required (inevitable) course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you may elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love’s Presence, Which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. 

This course can, therefore, be summed up very simply in this way: 

Nothing real can be threatened. 

Nothing unreal exists. 

Herein lies the Peace of God.“  

  • Want Peace?

    "A Course in Miracles" has taught millions over the last 60 years how to live a more peaceful life. If you didn't hear about it from Opera, you are not likely to hear about it at all because most are quiet and at peace with their lives as it is. It does not need proselytizing.

  • Want Happiness?

    The concepts taught within "A Course in Miracles" answer many fundamental questions people have about life, however to accept the concepts for your self relieve tremendous tensions and suffering in life which restrict us from recognizing how happy our lives can be.

  • Want Inspiration?

    Those who study "A Course in Miracles" find an understanding which opens their minds to naturally find inspiration with a spiritual motivation, guidance and intuition. The same guidance which brought you here, the same motivation moving you to read this. You already know, you have been made ready.

"A Course in Miracles" is a self-study course designed to enhance your personal relationship and perspective of the divine, naturally bringing about personal revelation and first-hand experience beyond the veil of death.

This intended year-long, daily practice gives you a format to fully embrace what this course has to offer. While this is an unusual setting for such a course, the journey in which we embark is within. Not within a church, a temple on some mountaintop with a guru or even us, but this journey is within you. 

The main essence of this course uses “Christian” terminology, however, most mainstream religions claiming the name of christ do not claim this to be from the same source. However, this course does not intend on spreading the worship of any dogmas or blind-faiths (which are beautiful in their own right) but the offering of actual first-hand experience of "christ" and "God" (by any definition) and find out the Truth for yourself.

How much can you honesty afford?

The success of this course relies on authenticity and honesty, therefore I put it in your hands.

Your Instructor

Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne

Enthusiastic Liberation

Why do the course with Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne?

“As much as anyone is able to talk a good game and claim anything they want without proof, I am unable to show you the truth for numerous reasons. However, understand, I am establishing this course in this fashion so that you can have first-hand evidence of what I have achieved for yourself. You can only be taught as far as the teacher has gone themselves, and I am confident that you will be able to achieve the degree of awakening you honestly desire through this course, for I have been and achieved every degree of it which this "world" could offer, including "escaping" from it. While this may not be your first time through "ACIM," I am confident to say it could be your last." - Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne

How much can you honesty afford?

Giving you the chance to follow or fear

The Family you help support.

(Photo early 2019)

Left/Back row to front/right with ages in mid. 2021 : Collin (15), Skyler (17), Derrick (19), December (13), Myself, Trina, Atreyu (6) and Link (4).
The Family you help support.

All textual quotes from "A Course in Miracles" are copyrighted ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the "Foundation for Inner Peace", 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, www acim org and info @ acim org, used with permission, and acknowledged here out of respect.

However, All quotes are extracted from William Thedford's "Hugh Lynn Cayce draft" version which Judge Robert Sweet of the Southern District of New York ruled on October 24, 2003, that its original copyright is invalid and therefore forever in Public Domain.

A note to ponder: All valid copyrights were made long after the author and co-author were deceased.